I think peace is the main way to distinguish a Christian from someone who doesn't have belief in God. The world is too much with us, and life can be overwhelming and stressful, but a Christan knows that he has a heavenly father who loves him and wants the best for him. Knowing that, how can I not feel a peace come over me when I'm worrying about the future? Life is good and God is in control. He has a plan for my life, so why should I waste my time with worry?
I love the fall weather!! Anyone up for camping this weekend? (I already know that Cate can't, and Anna, you said you are busy with packing up your house! So that leaves Leah, Alice and Jess. Alice: I'll meet you on that awesome beach that was in your pictures!)
Hey, Jen
Love your blog--I definitely will read it sister. Maybe I should create one--I could post pictures of myself studying! Annie
9:58 AM
Anna--you should so start a blog--or a facebook account! I'd probably talk to you a lot more! :)
And Jen, I love your blog, too. You're a great writer. I love you, sis.
9:35 PM
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