Wednesday, October 04, 2006


Okay, I think I may finally have the hang of posting pictures! HERE is the picture I was writing about in the blog below. We had a fantastic time on the entire trip. For those sisters who don't talk to me much, here is the rundown of what we did: I flew into DC on Thursday evening, Friday morning we headed to right outside Philly for my dialysis and then went to the rehersal dinner. Saturday the wedding was at four. Before that, Ryan and I went to the mall to get coffee and then to breakfasst with a lot of his family. The wedding was good. The reception was better: my favorite memory is slow-dancing to an Elvis song with Ryan. So sweet! It was fun! Sunday we headed back to DC. Hmmm...Monday I had dialysis so I got to sleep in while Ryan went into work at around 7:15am. Shoot, that's too early!! Monday night we met up with some friends at the waterfront at Georgetown to have dinner and drinks and watch the sunset. Tuesday, however, was the best day of all! I woke up at 6 and went into Georgetown with Ryan. I walked with him to the hospital and kept walking into town by myself. The town is all old brick and beautiful, with ivy growing up everywhere. It looks very Williamsburg-ish. Anyway, I went into town and got some coffee and B&N and read for a few hours, then walked around more and got lunch and made phone calls and did some work. Then I began my hour long walk back to the hospital to just hang out till Ryan got off, and guess what?! he got off work early! So instead of waiting around till 5 to hang out with him, he got off at around 2 and we decided to change and go kayaking in the Potomac River by Georgetown. I'll post pictures when I get them! It was great! Then we got dinner right on the riverfront and had just a wonderful time!
Okay, so is any of this stuff actually interesting to you guys? I really am just writing for myself, I guess. I don't want to bore you girls (as I've said, I'm writing this for me and my sisters).
So, girls, what about you? What is one of the most romantic or best memories you have with your honey (or your friends, for Cate and Ali)? How about telling your favorite memory from the last week?


Blogger Cate Raff said...

Jennie--you and Ryan are HOTT! What a fun weekend that would be! Aw... I hope you're having fun in NY right now!

9:34 PM


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